
All Utility Organisations are the backbone of our energy, water and gas networks, and they face significant challenges in adapting to climate change impacts.

Adapting Power Networks to Climate Change

As climate change leads to increased extreme weather events, rising temperatures, and changing precipitation patterns, power networks must become more resilient and flexible to ensure reliable energy supply.

Adaptation strategies for power networks involve enhancing infrastructure resilience, improving grid management and stability, and integrating renewable energy sources. By implementing these strategies, power networks can mitigate the risks associated with climate change and contribute to a sustainable and secure energy future.

Wind turbines producing energy on a large hill

Renewable Energy Sector and Climate Change

As climate change brings about more frequent and intense weather events, shifts in resource availability, and changing operating conditions, the renewable energy sector must plan for these challenges.

Adaptation strategies in renewables involve anticipating and mitigating the impacts of climate change, optimising system design, and enhancing operational flexibility to maintain reliable and sustainable energy generation.

Assessing Climate Change Impact on the Water Industry

To effectively adapt to climate change, the water industry must implement strategies that ensure sustainable water supply, enhance water resource management, and address the impacts of changing hydrological patterns.

Adaptation strategies in the water industry involve implementing water conservation measures, enhancing infrastructure resilience, adopting climate-informed water allocation plans, and promoting sustainable water management practices. By embracing these strategies, the water industry can minimise risks, optimise water use, and ensure the long-term availability and quality of water resources

Industrial landscape

Top 3 Climate Risks for all Utilities


Physical weather

The increase of extreme weather events, such as storms, hurricanes, and floods, would increase the risk of power outages, water shortages and disruptions.


Increased material costs

Building and maintaining vital assets for power generation and water management uses rare earth metals, which Redlines are expecting to increase in cost from 2030 onwards. Recycling and being circular in production will be vital.


Changes in consumer demands

Consumers may start to demand renewable energy tariffs and sustainably recycled water which will create a new strain on the grid and utility market. This presents an opportunity for the forward thinking utilities and a huge risk for the slower movers.

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